In English Literature,so many poems,short stories,dramas,novels are come across.The writers have been used different kinds of themes such as natural beauty,war,social problems,love and injustices.
I wandered through each charted street
Near where the chartered Thames does flow,
A mark in every face I meet,
Marks of weakness, marks of woe.
In every cry of every man,
In every infant's cry of fear,
In every voice, in every ban,
The mind-forged manacles I hear:
How the chimney-sweeper's cry
Every blackening church appals,
And the hapless soldier's sigh
Runs in blood down palace-walls.
But most, through midnight streets I hear
How the youthful harlot
Blasts the new-born infant's tear,
And blights with plagues the marriage-hearse.
-by William Blake
William Blake |
This poem was written by William Blake who is a mainstay of English Literature.He expresses his attitudes straightforwardly.Once he has cited ,"Always be ready to speak the truth and a base man will avoid you". Unlike Augustan poets, he criticized the royal society and the church. As he had a competent knowledge of the bible,most of the time he used that knowledge to criticize the church and the injustices.Through the collection of poems,"The Songs Of Innocence" which was written during 1789.Through this collection,he has emphasized the beauty of life and nature of a simple life.During 1794,once again he published a collection of poems called,"The Songs Of Experiences" .Through this collection, he has criticized the church, the royal society and has emphasized the sufferings of the public.
The poem "London" is also from the collection of "The Songs Of Experience" and has described the sufferings of the public,child exploitation,war and prostitution.
According to the poem,not only the street,but also the river Thames has commercialized.Generally, a river represents the freedom,but here,even the river Thames does not have a freedom.Then he notices the public.There's no marks of happiness.Instead the marks of happiness,he is able to find the marks of sorrow and tiredness.In the second stanza,the poet has repeated the word "every" to make it universal.The public does not have even the basic human rights,especially the right to speak.It has been prohibited by the royalty.
A Chimney Sweeper |
The poet has used the word "manacles" to emphasized the situation that the public has to face.Jean Jacques Rousseau who was French philosopher has mentioned the same notion in the book,"Death" in 1783 ; "Man is born free, but everywhere in chains".
The poet describes the child exploitation by using the chimney swippers and has mentioned the response of the church.He has used the word "blackening" to describe the reaction of the church.The church is the place of virtue, but here it is silent and does not support the innocent.He also criticizes the rulers who are war-mongers.The innocent and young men enlist the army as a result of poverty not for the jingoism.In the last stanza,the poet describes about the prostitutes who sell their bodies for a piece of bread.Most of the time they suffer from the STDs and their children also suffer.