What is Culture

When we heard the term "Culture",the first things that come to our mind are,literature,art,paintings...etc. It is true that these aspects include to the culture,but through these aspects, we cannot describe the term "CULTURE".However this concept of culture is a creation of human beings and it refers the lives of members in a society.Therefore the culture and the society are inseperatable.For instance when considering the different kinds of societies such as Primitive society,Peasents society, Folk society, Urban society.

When compairing the human beings with the other animals,there is a considerable difference between them:especially the human beings have some unique qualities and behaviour such as drinking,eating,dressing...etc.Therefore man is considered as a cultural being and each and every man in the world represents his/her own culture.
Culture does not herit biologically,but they have to learn it.This is emphasized through the term "Enculturation".
Edword Tylor
When consideringall these facts,we can cite that culture is a combination of socially transmitted practices,languages,symbols,beliefs,values,norms,ideologies and material objects that people create to deal with real life problems.
However,in 1873,Edword Tylor who is concidered as the father of Anthropology introduced the concept of culture.
"Culture is complex whole which includes knowledge,act,law,morals,custom and any other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society".Accoring to the Tylors definition,the culture is a very complex thing that even cannot comprehend it by deviding into pieces.


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